Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I hope that as the INA promotion comes to a close you will all work toward getting some more entries. I wish I could give a membership to every person who entered because I do believe that INA has played an integral part of who I have become as a nanny and I would like for every nanny to experience that personally.
I was a founding member of INA. I served on it's board for 5 years, was the second Nanny of the Year and I believe that if I had not found my roots in INA, we could have never had the courage or the connections that gave NAN (The National Association of Nannies) it's wings.
Being a nanny can be an isolating job. Becoming a part of a national or international organization that is working to improve the profession connects you to a bigger part of our industry. (Yes Myrna...I did call it an industry) It connects the nannies and the agencies and tax companies, and other businesses related to what we do and it gives us all a stronger voice.There is great strength in numbers.
The internet has changed the industry a lot, it has connected nannies in a stronger way, it has given nannies an avenue to share their voice, and it has brought nannies together in international online discussion and support groups. These are all wonderful things but they are free.
Investing in a membership in an organization that is working for you every single day might seem like a lot for some nannies, they might think that they can get the same thing for free online, but you really can't.
Even when NAN was in operation, I was on 22 different online nanny groups and I actively participated in them, but the women that I worked with in NAN were my "true north" when I needed support, advice and direction.
I hope you win the membership but if you don't, I hope you will consider investing something in your career and investing something in an organization that is trying to make the profession better for all of us.


  1. I agree with you about organizations. I love the groups online but the being a meber of NAN and then another group made me feel like I was part of something even more special. I also loved being involved in making a difference in a feild I have commited myslef too. Win or loose I think I need INA. I need a place like that. It has been missing from my life the last few months. :) Thanks for the chance. Jenn Djeterfann2

  2. Im all signed up to follow your blog! You have lots of valuable information to share! :o)
