Showing posts with label Scholarships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scholarships. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2014

What do Other People say are Your Positive Personality Traits by Jenn Farlow

Thi is the fifth in our series of essay submissions for the Nanny Transitions INA Conference Scholarship. What do other people say are your positive personality traits? Jennifer Farlow Essay Submission for Nanny Transition INA Scholarship Looking through the essay question choices it was hard for me to choose which one to write about. I finally settled on this question because I think that nannies are often givers who spend their lives taking care of others and it can be difficult for us to sit back and hear the nice things that others say about us. Additionally, we as a society often go through our lives skimming the surface and not digging deeper, which is a direct result of the on the go world we live in. My current position caring for infant triplets is a very busy one. Our everyday life can be hectic and I know personally that I often brush off compliments that my friends, family, employers and even strangers we meet on our outings give to me. I thought this would be a good exercise for me to really absorb the positive attributes that others see in me. To get me started on this assignment I dug out all of my reference letters from past employers. Instead of skimming them as I have in the past, I sat down and really read them. After reading each one I tried to really soak in the positive things my employers said about me and reflect on each position that I have held. As I was reading each letter, I started to notice some themes and similarities. Almost all of my past employers wrote how loving, caring, responsible and active I was with their children and how they wouldn’t hesitate to recommend me as a nanny or even hire me again if they had the chance. Several wrote about how I was very hardworking, gave 110% to my job and was a self-starter who needs little direction once I settle into a job. Others wrote about how I was always friendly, sweet and had a positive disposition around their house, even when the circumstances of the job may have been difficult. The next step in this assignment of self-exploration was to ask some of my friends and family what they thought my positive attributes are. Some of the answers I got back were I am funny, loving, hard working and always willing to help out those I love. My brothers told me how brave and adventurous I am for traveling and volunteering around the world and how the envy those traits in me. Both of my Sisters in Law told me how much they treasure having me in their children’s lives and how happy they are that my nieces and nephews have an Aunt like me. Finally, my mom told me how caring, sweet and dedicated I am to my family. The final step in this process for me was to ask my current employers the positive attributes they see in me. My mom boss told me how she knew I was the right nanny for them almost as soon as I walked into the interview and how incredibly happy they are to have me as part of their family. She went on to tell me how much she appreciates that even though it’s difficult to get out of the house with three babies, that I am so active with them taking them on regular outings. Both mom and dad added that that they both love how knowledgeable and patient I am with the babies and that even when they are all crying at the same time, they have never once seen me lose my cool with them. Finally, they told me how much they appreciate how organized and hard working I am and how they have never had to remind me to do anything no matter how small the task. In conclusion, this wasn’t the easiest choice of topics for me and I almost changed my mind several times during the process. What started this as a way to possibly save some money and win a scholarship to the International Nanny Association conference from Nanny Transitions has turned into so much more. In the process I’ve gained a deeper understanding of myself and how others see me, which more valuable than anything I could win.

Monday, February 3, 2014

2014 INA Scholarship Recipients

Before I announce the scholarship recipients (All of the entries have been notified via phone or email) I want to say a huge from the bottom of my heart thank you to my friend and colleague Marni Kent for making this years scholarships happen.
I would also like to let you all know that Marni has already committed to repeating these scholarships for the 2015 International Nanny Association

When I say that the essay entries were outstanding this year, I really mean they were outstanding. Nanny Magazine and Regarding Nannies you should take advantage of their writing talent! INA Newsletter, we  know some nannies that can write!
It was so difficult to choose only 3 and Marni being the generous person that she is decided to contribute 2 more gifts of $50 to go toward registration for 2 more essay entries which are contingent upon conference attendance.

The scholarships for new nannies who have never attended conference go to
Susan Fordham and
Jenn Farlow.
The scholarship for a previous conference attendee goes to

Lisa Willis.
The $50 gifts contingent upon conference attendance go to Katherine Dallmeyer and
 Kenda Horst.

INA sets up their early registration so that nannies can try to take advantage of these opportunities but if it doesn’t work out they can still take advantage of the early bird registration.

We do hope to meet you all at the INA Conference. I speak for both myself and Marni when I say that INA has made a huge impact on our personal and professional lives and it is worth the effort to be there.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Transitions by Marni Kent

Transitions by Marni Kent

Just like many of you, I myself have gone through transitions that have changed my life; personally and professionally.
When things like this happen I suppose the first thing to ask yourself is, what's the situation and why don't you think it can change? Sometimes things feel impossible but that's because we are depressed or too close to the situation to see clearly. There might be a solution if you can talk to someone about it; a friend, family member or someone who has been there like a peer.

Beyond that, how do you stay strong? Well, for most people it's really just a matter of getting through it. Getting up every day, eating, showering, going to work/school/whatever and coming home, sleeping and doing it all over again. That doesn't sound very helpful but that's how it generally is; life keeps going on no matter what and you go along with it and eventually some time has passed and things change or you don't feel as bad anymore. Some people find solace in religion or spirituality, some distract themselves with books and TV and friends, and some people can't enjoy anything so they just feel terrible all the time.
 If you're able to still enjoy things, try to spend as much time doing those things as possible, and wait it out. Nothing stays the same forever.

When I reached out to a friend/ peer when I was going through a difficult time in life (Glenda Propst the owner of Nanny Transitions) she gave me advice that at the moment did not fit all of what I was going through but on down the road it clicked.
Eventually I realized that there are some stages of transition that apply whether the transition is work or personal.
Over the last few years, I have found Nanny Transitions to be an amazing source not just for myself but for sharing with other nannies.
Nanny transitions helped me remember to ask myself these important questions.

What qualities do you have in your nanny career?
What characteristics do you possess that make you an excellent nanny?
What inherent attributes allow you to enjoy your job?
 Stop and think for a moment about what your employers like about you.
What do the children like about you?
What do other people like about you?
I want you to think about the answers to those questions and then I want you to think about the qualities you possess that resonate energy in all aspects of your life.

I am going to sponsor 3 Scholarships to the 2014 INA Conference.
Two scholarships will go to nannies who have never been to the INA Conference and one will go to a nanny who has attended a previous conference.
The scholarship recipients will be able to choose from 4 different topics to write their essays.
I will be sharing more details with you as the time gets closer but for now I would like for you to think about the first essay topic:
How has Nanny Transitions helped you through transitions in your job?

Stay tuned over the next few weeks and we will be sharing more information.
I am so excited to share this opportunity with you because both Nanny Transitions and INA mean a lot to me.
Marni Kent