Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts

Monday, June 22, 2009

There are all kinds of transitions

We all go through Transitions.
Whether they are transitions in our jobs, or transitions in our lives, transition is a part of our day to day existence.
When we think about transitions we think about "new beginnings" but the fact of the matter is that the first part of all transitions is an ending.
In his book "TRANSITIONS: Making sense of life's changes" William Bridges says that endings are the first phase of transition. The second phase is a time of lostness and emptiness until life becomes patterned with a direction again and the third phase is beginning anew.
Transitions often involve relationships but they can also include new places, new beliefs, new challenges or goals.

If you go on a diet, you change your mindset about how you look at food, how you work food into your day, making time for excercise and making healthy choices.
If you move to a new home, you change where you keep your clothes, how they are organized, where they are stored, the route you take to work, the time it takes you to get to work.
When your baby becomes mobile, you change the way your house is arranged, you babyproof, you have to be more cautious of doors and stairs and be sure they are closed and gated.
So transition is a part of our life everyday.
We will be discussing transitions from all aspects of life and our jobs.
If you have a transition you want to write about, share with us, or want me to blog about, please contact me.